Leadership Development Plan 1


Leadership Development Plan 1

Participant Name: Mitch Goebel 
Bootcamp Workshop Date: 5/7/2024-5/9/2024

Goal #1

I see myself as an effective delegator who can evaluate team members skills and assign responsibilities accordingly to build a more effective team and grow the business.

Measures Of Success
Direct reports prepare complete deliverables (Draft)
Resolution of low performer
more time dedicated to strategic planning
being stuck in the weeds
push back from direct reports
Way Forward
Action Who Date
task list of items to be delegated mitch May 31, 2024
use delegation matrix to determine who is best suited to tasks mitch May 31, 2024
scheduled 1:1s with team members Mitch June 28, 2024
Develop performance plan with HR mitch June 28, 2024