Bootcamp Workshop Summary

Performex Summit Excellence Program

Bootcamp Workshop Summary


Participant Name: Mitch Goebel

Date of Workshop: 5/7/2024-5/9/2024

1. What was the most valuable to you out of your workshop experience?

  • The 360 feedback is a wonderful tool both for self reflection and identification of both strengths an weaknesses.

2. What were your greatest insights? Ah-ha’s?

  • “You own your employee’s Sunday night”

  • “What got you here, won’t get you there.”

  • auto pilot is a strength taken too far. (and identifying mine)

  • Do only the work that only you can do

3. What important tools and techniques did you learn to improve your management-leadership skills?

  • Wait diagram

  • Auto Pilot identification

  • LDP planning tool

  • delegation matrix

4. What is your Auto-Pilot Name? Mach 5 Mitch

5. Explain the rationale for your Auto-Pilot name:

I often find myself inundated with problems and have a desire to get each off my plate as fast as possible. This leads to a situation where I focus more on getting things done, rather than ensuring I am focusing on the bigger picture. The rapid fire approach leads to careless mistakes due to being overstretched, or just burnout.

6. What message would you like to share about your experience with your sponsor (the person who recommended you to attend the workshop)?

Valuable and incredibly constructive. A big thank you for sponsoring this experience.

7. What strategies will you employ to stay engaged and get the most out of the program?

Schedule early, and stick to the schedule. Identify a time to fill in the journal and think critically about my actions each day.